About us
Chris Branden
Chris Branden, who started it all as a quiet online adventure selling a few technical guides which started out as just a bit of a side hustle and grew into something far more promising. Chris started out as a digital marketing man with a few graphic design skills and soon found himself combining the two talents. Working mostly as a freelancer for us and a couple of other less worthy studios, he managed to grow Fulham Folios into a respected little indie publishing house.
Jill Daamen
Jill has many bows to her quiver and you never know which job she is engrossed in on any given day. She can be out of the country on a film location set, or on a publicity drive in London, or book editing down in the Sussex countryside. She’s worked on everything from novels to self-help books to student manuals, and now with “How Tennis Invented Everything” she can now add sports books to her ever expanding repertoire.
Amanda Craven
Amanda is well established writer, editor, blogger, marketing guru and broadcaster. With several best-selling books to her name, we are honoured to have her join the Fulham Folios team. Amanda extensive knowledge is invaluable to us. She has written or edited in almost every genre, from children’s books, through fantasy, to Second World War spy dramas, searing romance novels and even a couple of self-help books. This is why she is the first person we turn to when we need a discerning view on any literary conundrum that comes our way.
Vikka Skrebsova
When we say she has her head in the clouds, we mean that she’s our Marketing guru and social media whizz who knows exactly what a Twitter handle is and isn’t afraid to use it. She can be Linked In to the Metaverse in seconds and can Chat, Tweet, W‘Sap, Pin, Poke, Tube, Post, Snap, Insta, Tik or Tok you from anywhere in the world. You Reddit here first.
Victoria Philiips
Victoria only started as a temporary Office Manager to cover a maternity leave but quickly established herself as indispensable and was quickly snapped up when the job became fully vacant. Fulham Folios does not offer a bring your pet to work day as between them Jill and Victoria would fill the entire office.
Mark Richards
He’s the money man. Don’t mess with him. Keeps us all in cheque. Quiet, steely, rarely seen except at Christmas parties – sorry, work events.
Sue Trent, Dan Hilton, Will Buxton and Rebecca Liu
Affectionately known as The Slushies, they are our slush pile readers. Consummate professionals and passionate about books and the first line of defence to the company. Regarded as Gods by the unsolicited author, but seen solely as a tax deductible commodity by Mark. We see them as totally essential to the Fulham Folios family.